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Bight: Summit Stories is right around the corner! We\u2019ve got some stellar folks presenting stellar stories at our next event, Monday July 1st. Our amazing presenters are going to be sharing everything from local tales of Mt. Adams to Mt. Goode and one story of a big kite-skiing adventure at the summit of the world\u2026Greenland! As always, we\u2019ll be doing a raffle to support a local organization, and this round we are supporting the Washington Trails Association (@washingtontrails). Come on down, win some great gear, hear inspiring stories and support your local community! \n\nRSVP at the link in our bio and share with your friends! See you Monday!","In case you missed it \u2014 Summit Stories submissions have been extended! You can now submit your stories until 6\/26. Link in bio to submit!!\n\n\ud83d\udcf8 @danthemtn_man","Do\u00a0you\u00a0have a summit story that you want to share with your community? We want to hear about how you reached a really tall point and got back down! You do not need to be a professional to submit a story \u2013 just a person who has at least tried to climb to the top of something!\n\nHere are some ideas of stories to get the wheels turning:\u00a0getting to the top of a bucket list peak and bringing along a German chocolate cake because hell yeah, summiting a volcano to catch the sunrise, taking your kid on their first climb and experiencing climbing in a whole new light, etc.\u00a0Every once in a while there\u2019s an adventure from outside of the area that draws our attention, so even though we\u2019re looking for stories based in the PNW, don\u2019t hesitate to submit a story outside of Cascadia.\u00a0\n\nPRESENTERS WILL BE SELECTED ON FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH so get those submissions in ASAP! Click the link in our bio to send in your idea. \n\nEpisode 2 of the Bight is brought to you by @featheredfriends1972 x @washingtontrails. \n\n\ud83d\udcf8 @paisajesefimeros","Do\u00a0you\u00a0have a summit story that you want to share with your community? We want to hear about how you reached a really tall point and got back down! You do not need to be a professional to submit a story \u2013 just a person who has at least tried to climb to the top of something!\n\nHere are some ideas of stories to get the wheels turning:\u00a0getting to the top of a bucket list peak and bringing along a German chocolate cake because hell yeah, summiting a volcano to catch the sunrise, taking your kid on their first climb and experiencing climbing in a whole new light, etc.\u00a0Every once in a while there\u2019s an adventure from outside of the area that draws our attention, so even though we\u2019re looking for stories based in the PNW, don\u2019t hesitate to submit a story outside of Cascadia.\u00a0\n\nPRESENTERS WILL BE SELECTED ON FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH so get those submissions in ASAP! Click the link in our bio to send in your idea. \n\nEpisode 2 of the Bight is brought to you by @featheredfriends1972 x @washingtontrails.","Do\u00a0you\u00a0have a summit story that you want to share with your community? We want to hear about how you reached a really tall point and got back down! You do not need to be a professional to submit a story \u2013 just a person who has at least tried to climb to the top of something!\n\nHere are some ideas of stories to get the wheels turning:\u00a0getting to the top of a bucket list peak and bringing along a German chocolate cake because hell yeah, summiting a volcano to catch the sunrise, taking your kid on their first climb and experiencing climbing in a whole new light, etc.\u00a0Every once in a while there\u2019s an adventure from outside of the area that draws our attention, so even though we\u2019re looking for stories based in the PNW, don\u2019t hesitate to submit a story outside of Cascadia.\u00a0\n\nPRESENTERS WILL BE SELECTED ON FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH so get those submissions in ASAP! Click the link in our bio to send in your idea. \n\nEpisode 2 of the Bight is brought to you by @featheredfriends1972 x @washingtontrails. \n\n\ud83d\udcf8 @andresmolestinag","After receiving such amazing feedback from Episode One of The Bight, we\u2019re\u00a0stoked to announce that it\u2019s time for Episode Two: Summit Stories!\u00a0This next installment\u00a0is all about stories where the peak is the goal. \n\nJoin us in kicking off the month of July with exciting stories about the shenanigans, sweat and tears involved in getting to the top of a pile of rocks and then coming back down! We\u2019ll begin seating at 5:30 and presentations will start promptly at 6. The evening will end with a raffle benefiting our partner organization for the event,\u00a0the\u00a0Washington Trails Association.\u00a0@washingtontrails is a local nonprofit mobilizing\u00a0hikers and everyone who loves the outdoors to explore, steward and champion trails and public lands. If it\u2019s anything like Episode One: Spring Ski & Ride Stories, we\u2019re in for another fun night full of storytelling, community-building, and *cough* GREAT raffle prizes *cough*.\n\nClick the link in our bio to RSVP for the event, SUBMIT A STORY, and learn more about Washington Trails Association! \n\n\ud83d\udcc5 Monday, July 1st\n\u23f1\ufe0f 6:00 PM (Doors at 5:30)\n\ud83c\udf9f\ufe0f Free Admission!\n\n\ud83d\udccd Feathered Friends Seattle\n263 Yale Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109\n\n-\n\nThe Bight: Adventure Stories is inspired by the magical Stoked Spoke Adventure Series by our friends at @swiftindustries.\n\n#featheredfriendsseattle #thebightstoryseries #thebight #summitstories","Melodie at the top of Kilimanjaro. \ud83c\udfd4\ufe0f What are you climbing this weekend?\u2060\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Pack light, go far \u2014 Get your Eos jacket for 25% off while supplies last.","IT'S FINALLY THAT TIME OF YEAR! Swift Campout 2024 is here!\u2060\n\u2060\nSwift Campout is the annual, global call to go bike-camping to celebrate the summer solstice. For the tenth year in a row (a whole DECADE of rad-ness!), adventurers will pack camp gear on their bicycles and head out on June 22nd and 23rd to kick off summer with a bike-overnight. \ud83d\udeb2\ufe0f + \ud83c\udfd5\ufe0f = \ud83d\ude0e\u2060\n\u2060\nTo celebrate a decade of Swift campouts we are inviting you to join the Campout Video Challenge. Capture your campout in a 90 second video between June 22-23rd. iPhone is cool. Pro gear is cool too. We're looking for creativity, hilarity and meditative scenic inspiration. Surprise us! Juried by Swift Industries x Bikepacking.com. one winner will receive The Grand Giveaway (over $3000 in prizes)! \u2060\n\u2060\n@wilde.bikes Rambler Frameset ($1200)\u2060\n@swiftindustries Campout Product Collection ($400)\u2060\n@rapha_n_america gift card ($500)\u2060\n@ombraz Classics with Side Shields ($160)\u2060\n@featheredfriends1972 Eos Vest ($269)\u2060\n@ripton_co ($250 in Ripton Denim apparel)\u2060\n@wild_rye_ gift card ($200)\u2060\n@heatherschoice meal sampler ($100)\u2060\n@austere_manufacturing \u00be\u201d Cam Straps (x4 - $110)\u2060\n@bikepackingcom merch bundle ($100)\u2060\n@ridewithgps 1 year premium membership and tutorial ($80)\u2060\n\u2060\nClick our \ud83d\udd17 in bio for details on how to enter! Video competitions must be submitted by midnight on June 29th. We can't wait to see how you all get out and chase the solstice this year. Join the Fun! #swiftcampout","The Eos Vest is perfect for year round adventures. Get yours for 15% off while our Spring Eos sale is on!\n\n\ud83d\udcf8 @dallyhue","We're stoked and honored that the Egret 20 UL has once again been rated the #1 Sleeping Bag for Women by OutdoorGearLab! Click the \ud83d\udd17 in our bio to learn more and grab yours before you hit the trails this year. \u2060\n\u2060\nA big thank you to @outdoorgearlab! Make sure to give them a follow for all things outdoor gear. \u2060\n\u2060\n#featheredfriends #warmthwhereveryouare\u2060\n\ud83d\udcf8 Connor Burkesmith","The first episode of The Bight: Adventure Story Series was a major success! We had so much fun listening to our speakers share their adventure stories, chatting with everyone at intermission, raising some money for CBA, and raffling off some rad gear. We appreciate everyone who showed up and can\u2019t wait to announce our next episode! What do you think it will be?? \u2026make your guess in the comments! \ud83e\udd14 \n\nThank you so much to @cascadebackcountryalliance for co-hosting, and to all of our raffle sponsors for the night! See you at the next one!\n\n@patagoniaseattle \n@outdoorresearch \n@cripplecreekbc \nand Cascade Designs\n\n#featheredfriends #thebight #adventurestories #springskiandride #springskiing","Ana here! Madelynn and I are so excited to share the first episode of our new series The Bight with y\u2019all tonight. Thanks to everyone who\u2019s supported us along the way and made this evening possible! A special thanks goes out to @swiftindustries for inspiring us massively with the Stoked Spoke series, and encouraging us to bring The Bight to life. See you all so soon! \u2665\ufe0f","@sara.fleetwood's snowy adventure is a great reminder that even though the weather is warming up, it's still winter somewhere, right? \u2060\n\u2060\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Our award-winning Eos series is now on sale in store and online. Click the link in our bio to gear up for your spring adventures! \n\n\ud83d\udcf8 @well_wandered","THIS THURSDAY we\u2019re launching the first episode of The Bight: Spring Ski & Ride stories! If you haven\u2019t already, please click the link in our bio to RSVP. An RSVP is NOT mandatory to attend, but it gives us a good idea of how many folks to expect for the evening. It\u2019s going to be an awesome night featuring amazing raffle prizes benefitting Cascade Backcountry Alliance (@cascadebackcountryalliance), cool merch, good brews, lots of friends, and inspiring stories. \n\nHere\u2019s a sneak peek of the stories you\u2019ll hear on Thursday evening: \n\nLittle Tahoma and Big Tahoma in a Day by Kyle McCrohan \u2014\nThe story of a massive day out trying to ski both little Tahoma and Big Tahoma (Rainier) in a single day, facing exhaustion and terrible conditions.\n\n\u201cS\u201d Couloir by Dan Bolliger \u2014\nA saga about touring Alaska\u2019s S Couloir, not without the shenanigans all fun trips include like sleeping in a U-Haul (we\u2019ve all done that, right?!). \n\nAcutely Painful, Existentially Dreadful by Olivia Leader \u2014\nAn inspiring story about touring Canada\u2019s Spearhead traverse. Olivia opens an important dialogue about how folks with chronic pain enjoy the outdoors. \n\nUntracked Alpental by AJ England \u2014\nChronicling a mini-quest to hit the best couloirs in Snoqualmie (Slot, Snot and Bryant) in perfect untracked condition.\n\nWhy I TAY (Turns All Year) by Andrea Gabor \u2014\nTurns All Year is a movement where participants ski at least one time each month of the year. Stories about getting those turns in, even in hilarious and challenging conditions. \n\n\u2026\n\n\ud83d\udcc5 Thursday, April 18th\u00a0\n\u23f1\ufe0f 6:00 PM (Doors at 5:30)\n\ud83c\udf9f\ufe0f FREE Admission!\n\n\ud83d\udccd Feathered Friends Seattle\n263 Yale Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109","The GROUNDBREAKING, lighter than air, Geoduckling Down Koozie is here! Designed to keep your drinks cold and your hands warm, this little koozie is perfect for all your drink-in-hand activities. Weighing in at only 14g and 17g, this is the perfect essential for all of your ultralight adventures. We\u2019re offering the Geoduckling Down Koozie in two options: UL (Ultralight) and ILAF (Impossibly Light and Fast) so check out the details below. \u2b07\ufe0f \n\nSpecs:\n\nUL Geoduckling Down Koozie \nFill weight: 10g\nTotal Weight: 17g\nFill Power: 900+ RDS-Certified Goose Down\nMaterials: Pertex Endurance UL, Bushed Nylon\n\nILAF Geoduckling Down Koozie\nFill weight: 10g\nTotal weight: 14g\nFill Power: 950+ RDS-Certified Goose Down\nMaterials: Pertex Quantum 7, Dyneema\n\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare #downkoozie \n\n\u2026April Fool\u2019s!","Safety on the left, pastry on the right! We can\u2019t get over @rosemcadoo\u2019s custom pastry harness. Can you?! What\u2019s your favorite tool on Rose\u2019s harness? Drop it below!\ud83d\udc47 \n\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Story submissions for the first installment of The Bight are open! Do you have a fun ski and ride story to share? Whether it\u2019s an anecdote about a day trip adventure or a month-long mission, we want to hear about how you enjoy the spring snow! You do not need to be a professional skier or splitboarder to submit a story. You just need to be a fellow snow fanatic.\u00a0\n\nHere are some story examples to get the wheels turning...bringing your kiddo on their first-ever overnight tour, descending a bucket list peak by sticks\/plank (e.g. Mt. Adams, Jack Mountain, Bootalicious peak), a traverse long in the making (e.g. Snoqualmie Haute Route, Tatoosh traverse, traverse de-Issaquah Alps), etc.\n\nClick the link in our bio to submit a story (or two) and be a featured presenter for our April 18th kickoff event! Prefer to spectate? Visit the (other) links in our bio to learn more and RSVP.\n\n\u2014\n\nEpisode One of The Bight is brought to you by Feathered Friends (@featheredfriends1972) x Cascade Backcountry Alliance (@cascadebackcountryalliance). \n\n#thebight #adventurestories #featheredfriends","Introducing The Bight: Adventure Story Series, a story sharing experience centered around outdoor adventuring from sound to summit! Each event will feature 4-8 presenters telling short stories about the night\u2019s theme. Seasonal themes will range from spring snow sports to alpine climbing to thru-hiking, to name a few.\n\nEpisode One kicks off the series with\u2026Spring Ski & Ride Stories!\u00a0\n\nCome hang out at Feathered Friends Seattle on Thursday, April 18th to be inspired by the many uphill, off-piste, and backcountry romps on sticks and boards. We\u2019ll begin seating at 5:30 and presentations will start promptly at 6. The evening will end with a raffle benefiting our partner organization for the event, Cascade Backcountry Alliance (@cascadebackcountryalliance). CBA is a local non-profit working to maintain, expand and educate around winter backcountry access in the Cascades and surrounding areas. Get ready for a night full of storytelling, community-building, and inspiration for your next trip. \n\nClick the link in our bio to RSVP for the event, learn more about Cascade Backcountry Alliance, and submit a story! \n\n\ud83d\udcc5 Thursday, April 18th\u00a0\n\u23f1\ufe0f 6:00 PM (Doors at 5:30)\n\ud83c\udf9f\ufe0f FREE Admission!\n\n\ud83d\udccd Feathered Friends Seattle\n263 Yale Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109\n\n\u2013\n\nThe Bight: Adventure Stories is very much inspired by the magical Stoked Spoke Adventure Series by our friends at @swiftindustries. The last Stoked Spoke 2024 will be on March 27th at 6:30 pm, at the Rhino Room in Cap Hill. See you there!","If you're a devout mummy bag user, you might be wondering, \"What's all this hubbub about the quilt?\" \u2060\n\u2060\nThere's plenty of reasons why you might add a quilt to your kit, but we think gearhead and explorer, Nick Bratton, said it best in his review for @ExpeditionPortal:\u2060\n\u2060\n\"As a traveler who journeys from the tropics to the Arctic and coasts to mountains, a sleep system that is comfortable in most of those environments is my Holy Grail, and the quest to find it ended with the Feathered Friends Flicker 20\u00b0 sleeping bag. \u2060\n\u2060\n\u2026The design differs from traditional mummies in that the zipper runs up the center of the bag (rather than along the side), and it has no hood. The innovative zipper negates the need for a draft tube, saving weight and bulk while retaining thermal efficiency.\"\u2060\n\u2060\nRead Nick's full review at the \ud83d\udd17 in our bio. Already convinced? Grab your very own Flicker Quilt at the *other* link in our bio. \u2060\n\u2060\n\ud83d\udcf8 Sammy Spence (@well_wandered)\u2060\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Courtney on the jaw-dropping summit of Cayambe is getting us stoked for Volcano Season! \ud83c\udf0b Happy International Women\u2019s Day to all you crushers out there! \n\n\ud83d\udcf7 @ynqpod \n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare #internationalwomensday","Join us for an exciting evening with Garrett Madison at Feathered Friends Seattle! Garrett is a world renowned, high-altitude mountaineer, guide, expedition leader, and founder of Madison Mountaineering. He will be sharing thrilling stories from his expeditions in the Himalaya. Don\u2019t miss out on this chance to be inspired by Garrett\u2019s passion for climbing and exploration!\n\n\ud83d\udcc6 March 26, 2024 | 6:30 PM\n\ud83c\udf9f Free Admission!\n\ud83d\udccd Feathered Friends Seattle\n\nRSVP at the link in @featheredfriends1972 bio!\n\n\u2014\n\n#featheredfriendsseattle #featheredfriends #garrettmadison #madisonmountaineering","(Part 5\/5) Thank you for being part of this story! Our two-week art expedition at Denali Base Camp was unbelievable. I feel strongly that it\u2019s laid the framework for wilder and wilder experiences.\n\nI recently returned from Antarctica, where I co-manage a NASA research camp from Oct-Feb every year. (Check out my cake series about Antarctic science on NPR if you\u2019re interested in learning more.) My off-ice time will be short this year, as I\u2019m spending April-May in Svalbard aboard a tall ship filled with artists and scientists as we sail through the sea ice on the Arctic Ocean. After that, I\u2019m headed back to Alaska to make desserts in the Wrangell mountains, spend time with my favorite glaciers, forage for seasonal ingredients, and adventure with friends.\n\nStay connected at @rosemcadoo to see announcements for when the Creative Approach documentary will be coming out (and for teaser reels along the way)! And please reach out if you have ideas for ways to work together to communicate science and share stories about our natural world. I\u2019m all ears.\n\nThanks to Feathered Friends for supporting this exciting project and for believing in the power of artists to help speak for our wild places.\n\n\/\/ Follow along at @rosemcadoo\n\ud83d\udcf8 Rachel Heckerman, Tim Wenzel, Arctic Circle, Tyler Watson, and Laura Cass\n\nThank you so much to Rose for sharing this awesome and inspiring story series with us! Please be sure to follow her page to keep up with her upcoming creative endeavors. \n\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","(Part 4\/5) On May 31, 2023, for the first time in a decade, a plane was forced to overnight at Denali Base Camp after weather rapidly rolled in. There had already been so many weather days that climbers were starting to pile up at Base Camp \u2013 climbers with friends who\u2019d been medevacked off the mountain, climbers with frostbite injuries, climbers whose food caches were starting to run real thin with long delays. Morale was low. \n\nSo I started digging out the cakes I had buried in a snow cave five days before.\n\nAfter stacking and quickly decorating four tiers of brown butter juniper cake with salted honey buttercream, I protected it from the snow with a black trash bag and headed down the hill. Camp was silent and still. Klara walked from tent to tent, announcing that there would be cake in 5 minutes and to BYO bowl\/utensil. I arranged the cake on a five-gallon bucket, nervous of what everyone would think. Soon, 75+ climbers, rangers, and camp staff emerged from their tents, confused, but with the first smiles I\u2019d seen in a bit (I spied many Feathered Friends parkas in the mix). We took a core sample of the cake before slicing it up with a snow saw and dropping it into peoples\u2019 mugs, bowls, gloves, and bare hands. People stayed out for hours afterwards, socializing and forgetting themselves. \n\nIn my journal that night, I wrote \u201cI feel entirely overwhelmed by the joy of bringing a seven-year creative dream to fruition. It is always worth bringing your crazy ideas to life.\u201d\n\n\/\/ Follow along at @rosemcadoo\n\n\ud83d\udcf8 Rachel Heckerman & Klara Maisch\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","(Part 3\/5) MADE AT DENALI BASE CAMP: Ice Core Lollipops with a layer of charcoal-cardamom \u201cvolcanic ash\u201d trapped inside (crafted in front of Begguya \/ Mount Hunter where ice cores contain local climate records from the last 5000 years). Erosion Scratch Cake, teaching us how to read historic evidence of glacial movement. Crevasse Candy Bars that break down the layers within dramatic cascading ice falls. Tootsie Roll Knots, a delicious tool for learning mountaineering skills and maxing out our calories for the day. A Mini Cake Demo showcasing how fluffy snow compacts into dense glacier ice. Ocean Acidification Eclairs, tubes of acidic citrus curd to raise the conversation around more freshwater being introduced into our ocean systems with increased glacier melt (these were a blast to make but failed in the field; I have hope for round two). And a Climate Change Baked Alaska \u2013 a flamb\u00e9 \u2013 to illuminate the impacts of increased forest fires on our cryosphere in a warming climate. \n\nThese desserts were never tested before making them at 7,200\u2019. The fat contents of traditional ingredients were wildly different and inconsistent in powdered form. I had to constantly move the desserts outside to colder temps, under a trash bag so the wet snow didn\u2019t impact the recipe or texture, or into my -40 sleeping bag so things would warm back up in the morning. I had to pivot and adjust more times than I had expected. When I caught myself in frustration with this process, I remembered my friends who were simultaneously stuck at 17,000\u2019 camp for 7 days, having to pivot their summit plans due to weather, cold injuries, etc. \n\nThings rarely go exactly as expected \u2013 no matter how much intentional time you\u2019ve put into your own training, preparations, and skill set \u2013 whether you\u2019re putting up a new route climbing, skiing, or making desserts in the mountains.\n\n\/\/ Follow along at @rosemcadoo\n\n\ud83d\udcf8 Rachel Heckerman & Klara Maisch\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","(Part 2\/5) In addition to all the standard outdoor\/mountaineering gear, I needed a lot of pastry equipment. My pack was filled with 4 tiers of cake (plus extra), I had another large duffel filled with baking supplies, and a 5-gallon bucket full of fuel canisters. \n\nI don\u2019t want to assume that I\u2019m the first person to bring a balloon whisk, rubber spatulas, a sieve, stainless steel mixing bowls, flammable booze, two blowtorches, 3 lb. of butter, 6 canisters of fuel, two JetBoil stoves, and fondant to Denali Base Camp \u2014 but if anyone else has, I sure want to meet them because it\u2019s one hell of an ordeal. The dream of the \u201cPastry Harness\u201d in the previous post was years in the making.\n\nI spent over a month developing, planning, and batching out recipes that would best explain my favorite aspects of glacier science. I weighed out ingredients and created comprehensive bagged kits so that I had exactly what I needed when I got up to base camp \u2014 no less but also certainly no more. I relied on snowmelt to activate the specialty dry ingredients I\u2019d ordered (heavy cream powder, egg yolk powder, etc). And in order to leave as little of a trace as possible, I cleaned my pastry dishes by adding more water and a tiny splash of whiskey to make dessert hot toddies. Highly recommend.\n\n\/\/ Follow along at @rosemcadoo\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","(Part 1\/5) The idea for the Creative Approach art expedition was born on the banks of the Matanuska River, packrafting the glacial silt water as Alaska\u2019s chilled fall came to an end. Nine months later, I put my money where my mouth was and flew up to Denali Base Camp to make desserts in my @jetboil that communicated glacier science on top of the longest glacier in the Alaska Range. 44 miles long, the Kahiltna Glacier oozes down from 20,310\u2019 Denali, between Foraker and Hunter, and served as supreme inspiration for these seven inventive cryodesserts.\n\nI wasn\u2019t alone in my efforts. @klaramaisch planned to paint her largest-ever canvas on-site \u2013 an immaculate portrait of Moonflower Buttress \u2013 and beta-testing a newly developed system for packing and constructing this XL stretcher bar frame in the field. And @rachelheckerman was getting a crash-course in alpine snow camping and cold management while capturing countless hours of footage for an upcoming film about this wild endeavor.\n\nTogether, we comprised Creative Approach \u2013 where we were pushing ourselves and each other to reach an artistic summit. With poor weather, little to no visibility, limited art equipment, and all the standard hiccups one comes to expect in a remote environment, it was the creative challenge of a lifetime.\n\n\/\/ Follow along at @rosemcadoo\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Come party with us! \ud83e\udea9 \n\nThe February installment of @swiftindustries 2024 Stoked Spoke adventure series is coming up. February\u2019s event is dedicated to adventure tales told by our BIPOC community. You won\u2019t want to miss this night of friends, inspiration, and great raffle prizes!\n\n\ud83d\udcc5 February 28th - Doors 6:30 PM\n\ud83d\udccd Rhino Room in Seattle (21+) \n\ud83c\udf9f\ufe0f Tickets are $5 a person. Sold at the door!\n\nWe can\u2019t wait to see you there! Find more information about the event here: https:\/\/builtbyswift.com\/announcing-the-2024-stoked-spoke-adventure-series\/","The right pump up song can make or break a mission. Do you have a go-to that comes to mind? Drop it in the comments! Here are some FF staff picks for your enjoyment. \ud83c\udfa7\ufe0f\u2060\n\u2060\n\"Woke Up This Morning\" - Alabama 3\u2060\n\"Da Art of Storytellin' (Part 2)\" - Outkast\u2060\n\"Love on Top\" - Beyonc\u00e9\u2060\n\"Teenage Dirtbag\" - Wheatus\u2060\n\"SAOKO\" - Rosal\u00eda\u2060\n\"Omerta\" - Lamb of God","In their 2024 Winter Gear Guide, Outside Magazine (@outsidemagazine) rated the Feathered Friends Widgeon -10 ES the \u201cmost comfortable\u201d sleeping bag. \n\nDon\u2019t have the hard copy? Check out the guide by clicking the link in our bio!","Margot is a field camp manager as a part of the science support staff for the National Science Foundation's Antarctic program. Essentially, she takes the guesswork out of camping in one of the coldest places on earth, so visiting scientists can focus on their research. But that's not all! Margot also grooms the skiways for visiting aircraft to land. \u2060\n\u2060\n\"I live in my Feathered Friends jacket in the field,\" she told us. \"I also wear it for work in Greenland. It's the best! I've worn it in as low as -60F ambient and it's kept me warm!\" \u2060\n\u2060\n@margnugget wears the Hooded Helios is black. \u2060\n#warmthwhereveryouare #featheredfriendsgear","THE 2024 BADGER SPONSORSHIP IS HERE! We are thrilled to support @thetrek.co\u2019s 2024 Badger Sponsorship, a massive gear giveaway totaling more than $31,800 worth of prizes!! Best of all, 100% of the proceeds of this year\u2019s promotion will go directly to Leave No Trace, a non-profit dedicated to promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor recreation through science-based education and partnerships. \n\nThe giveaway runs from February 12th-March 1st and winners will be announced March 4th! \n\nHead to the link in @thetrek.co\u2019s profile or click the link in our bio to find out how you can win some awesome gear while supporting Leave No Trace! \n\n#thetrek #badgersponsorship #badgersponsorship2024","We want to know! Are you team winter camping or team summer camping? Vote by leaving a \u2744\ufe0f or a \u2600\ufe0f in the comments.\u2060\n\u2060\nPhotos from @du.reub's winter adventure. \u2060\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Come find us at the 2024 Stoked Spoke Adventure Series! Brought to you by the @swiftindustries crew, Stoked Spoke is a three-part adventure-sharing series that highlights the best bike-camping and bike-packing destinations in Cascadia and beyond. \u2060\n\u2060\nIn observance of these dark, wet, cold winter days, this series is intended to bring our community together and inspire your next adventure. All cycle enthusiasts are welcome, regardless of experience!\u2060\n\u2060\nWe'll be tabling at all three nights, held at the Rhino Room in Seattle (21+). Each evening highlights four to six self-supported bike camping routes complete with maps, slideshow and planning tips. For the 2024 Series, Swift is dedicating February to adventure tales told by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC).\u2060\n\u2060\nJanuary 31st - Doors 6:30 PM \u2060\nFebruary 28th - Doors 6:30 PM (BIPOC Night) \u2060\nMarch 27th - Doors 6:30 PM\u2060\n\u2060\nTickets are $5 a person. Sold at the door!\u2060\n\u2060\nWe can't wait to see you there! Find more information about the event by clicking our link in bio.","Winter is for exploring. \u2060\n\ud83d\udcf7 @iamjungsun","In 2024, where will you go? What adventures will draw you out beyond the horizon? \ud83c\udf05\u2060\n\u2060\nPhotos by the talented @well_wandered.","Can you believe this 60m tall frozen waterfall is artificially made? Nestled in Cheongsong, South Korea this ice wall is a tourist attraction and has hosted multiple ice climbing competitions. Even in mid-summer, Eoreumgol Valley maintains freezing temperatures. Have you visited before?\u2060\n\u2060\n\ud83d\udcf7 @oh.kikko\u2060\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare","Martina Gees perfectly captures what our expedition bags are made for: boundless adventure in new and beautiful places. Here's to sleeping under the stars, regardless of the season. \ud83d\udcab","Devil's club, downed trees, and snowshoe bushwhacking all describe @cut_your_teeth's early winter adventure to Townsend mountain. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of fun!\u2060\n\u2060\n#featheredfriendsgear #warmthwhereveryouare"],"commentcount":["",0,1,0,0,6,4,4,3,2,1,2,0,4,1,5,0,22,11,2,10,0,1,1,6,35,16,6,25,2,10,2,9,3,17,0,1,3,1,4,1],"datelist":["June-29-2024","June-17-2024","June-05-2024","June-05-2024","June-05-2024","May-30-2024","May-25-2024","May-15-2024","May-08-2024","May-01-2024","April-30-2024","April-30-2024","April-19-2024","April-18-2024","April-17-2024","April-17-2024","April-01-2024","March-26-2024","March-22-2024","March-22-2024","March-14-2024","March-08-2024","March-05-2024","March-02-2024","March-02-2024","March-01-2024","February-29-2024","February-28-2024","February-22-2024","February-21-2024","February-17-2024","February-17-2024","February-12-2024","January-30-2024","January-22-2024","January-19-2024","January-17-2024","December-30-2023","December-28-2023","December-26-2023"],"heading":"Share the warmth @featheredfriends1972","overlay_color":"0,0,0","font_color":"#FFFFFF","display_theme":"grid","no_of_rows":"2","no_of_img":5,"gutter":"2px","width":20,"margin":0,"marginslider":60,"sliderwidth":1840,"profile_pic":"https:\/\/scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net\/v\/t51.2885-15\/1172369_483177228542503_2067681224_a.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7d201b&_nc_ohc=BXJuNCOtHYcQ7kNvgHXmXsy&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&edm=AL-3X8kEAAAA&oh=00_AYBprKDhqUBfQ4wL50QIVkq8d_QCRtE3IrzQDaUjy7l_RQ&oe=668A5DCE","slider_loop":"true","mobile":"2","username":"featheredfriends1972","shop_name":"storefeatheredfriends.myshopify.com","font_size":"18px","heading_color":"#000000","font_awesome":"new","provider":"facebook","no_popup":"yes","link_target":"_blank","img_hover":"caption","show_lc":"","insta_link":"https:\/\/instagram.com\/featheredfriends1972","overlay_opacity":"0.8","t_speed":"3000","s_speed":"3000","l_load":"yes","social_icon":"yes","show_title":"yes"})