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C L E V E R F O X \ud83e\udd8a\n\nOur final print of autumn 2024 is our beautiful fox mountain with a new rush blue background \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nI hope you love this one and at least one print of our autumn collection I haven\u2019t done a collection for everyone but I always try and get a print you love \ud83e\udde1\n\nThis collection is available tomorrow night 8pm UK time \ud83d\udd70\ufe0f UK customers can buy this alongside our Halloween range which only has a week left online and orders now will arrive in the 4-6 weeks advised so will be guaranteed for Halloween delivery.\n\nInternational customers can of course purchase Halloween but orders since the 1st September are not guaranteed for Halloween delivery as the turnaround + delivery doesn\u2019t leave us enough room as a handmade business to guarantee \ud83c\udf3f all this information is available at checkout when you accept the turnaround \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nI\u2019m excited to launch we are a good way through Halloween manufacture now we have our last week of launch weekend orders to dispatch this week so i am excited to pack away my flat lay boards and work on orders for you \ud83e\udde1 and we are working through the weeks after nicely everything is on track for our turnaround as promised any changes I will always update and not leave you waiting.\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #autumncollection","\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf3f\n\nToday is the final print of our autumn launch we have picked 6 prints to launch this season as it\u2019s a middle season between Halloween and Christmas and I hope you agree these are prints for all year but with a little warmer cosy vibe.\n\nSo the last print a print that almost didn\u2019t make it because we have print sampled this so much to get the colour perfect and I feel like we\u2019ve done it \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb I wanted to do this print justice because it\u2019s one of my favourite designers and I\u2019m always honoured when she allows me to licence one of her prints as she\u2019s part of our story \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nIt\u2019s a print bring back but with a colour twist I have actually printed this and made it into something before and to all emailed saying please can we see this in clothes and I didn\u2019t think I would so it was always a sorry no.\n\nThis year I designed a strong very autumnal orange Halloween collection and didn\u2019t want to follow that on with another burnt orange pallete which is very hard as that\u2019s autumn to me. So I started to work with a blue colour pallete and prints that would style with blue and this print just fits in perfectly \ud83d\udc99\n\nIt\u2019s still very Lovebee colours this season with forest greens, oranges, pinks and now with a added dusty blue on a print that brings back some beautiful memories as it\u2019s one of my favourite photos of Teddy in this print first time \ud83e\udd8a\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #condor #c\u00f3ndor","\ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb Y O U + B E E \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nThis has to be made into a hybrid dress look how amazing they work together. A little love story and natures pace \ud83c\udf3f\n\nI\u2019ve tried to make the collection flows and each print to stand strong alone but they also all sit together to make a collection. The natures pace holds two colours I wanted to bring to Lovebee autumn which was forest green and dusty blue.\n\nStyling is massively important to a print and I think what\u2019s amazing about today print is the ability to change it with colour \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb the dusty rose is incredible it\u2019s one of the biggest line up of condor socks I\u2019ve got I\u2019m pretty much used them all and they all work perfectly so hopefully to may already own some colours to style with bee \ud83d\udc1d \n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub #lovebee","\ud83d\udc1d\ud83d\udc1d B O O B E E S \ud83d\udc1d\ud83d\udc1d\n\nOur amazing reusable breast pads will be online in autumnal sets and single pads over the weekend. They are absolutely amazing for new mum gifts for that ultimate comfort and protection but they are also amazing face wipes which is what I use mine for now \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\n\nSewing a circle is not easy and I am so proud how amazing these come out and I cannot rave enough about how essential these are to any new mum feeding or not they are a hospital bag must pack.\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #boobees #reusablebreatpads","N A T U R E \n\nI Need to patience and chill \ud83e\uddd8\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f thank you for love on todays print we have one more tomorrow and then we launch them all Sunday evening at Lovebeebaby.com \ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc1d\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub","\ud83e\uddf8 O H T E D D Y \ud83e\uddf8\n\nWhat a little star he has been this week he\u2019s started big school and taken that all in snd then in the evening he\u2019s got dressed so well for me and played in the field for mummy to get some photos. He\u2019s obviously other than I\u2019m holding camera very unaware of me as Toms just playing around with him.\n\nAlso may have snuck a few little sweeties which they always try and hide from me and I get little sweetie lips photos \ud83d\ude02 but they have come out so well he even said last night we haven\u2019t done any playing in the field tonight, yep mummy needed a night off baby.\n\nTeddy accessories sorted for the winter \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb that hat and snood always get the attention and I can spot my little bee coming out of school with that Pom \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #autumn #autumnprint","\ud83d\udc1d B E E U T I F U L \ud83d\udc1d\n\nNatures chase as a beautiful set of beejamas with a dusty blue cuff \ud83d\udc99 our beejamas are very popular and made to perfection \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb I know how quick little ones can grow and they seem to grow the most in their sleep so we made grow with bee cuff on both ankles and wrists.\n\nMy boys rarely roll down the wrist but love how snuggly they are rolled and the legs mean they last 2 years easily with the extension. These are safe for sleep they can be worn as lounge sets but we invested in all the correct legal requirements for sleep so you can trust us with you little ones at bedtime \ud83d\udecf\ufe0f and yes to short beejamas they are staying on all year.\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #beejamas #pjs #handmadepjs","\ud83c\udf80\ud83c\udf3f\ud83d\udc1d\ud83c\udf44\u200d\ud83d\udfeb\ud83d\udc0c\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf80\n\nLittle miss Mabel in her new natures chase Lovebee dress, styled with our C\u00f2ndor old rose tights and praline ankle lace socks with the perfect matching bow all available at Lovebeebaby.com \ud83d\udc95\n\nBuilding the one stop shop for your outfit is a dream and condor is the perfect match for Lovebee \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb the post box in the middle of a forest in the most perfect colour was just magic coincidence it may have some leaves in it now \ud83c\udf42\n\nAvailable Sunday at 8pm UK time the full collection another print coming tomorrow I may do a sneak tonight for you \ud83d\udc99\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #newprint #autumnprint #beeprint #handmadedress","\ud83c\udf3f\ud83e\udeb5\ud83d\udc1d\ud83d\udc0c N A T U R E S P A C E \ud83e\udeb5\ud83d\udc1d\ud83c\udf44\u200d\ud83d\udfeb\ud83c\udf3f\n\nI\u2019ve been so excited for this one I\u2019ve wanted another bee print with earth tones and this has sooooo much detail.\n\nI love little ones to interact with prints, learn the little animals, point out the elements and ask for Lovebee \n\nHope you love this one the lifestyle are INCREDIBLE \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb I\u2019ve style both a little Mabel bee with old rose and my very own Teddy in beautiful dusty blue it\u2019s such a unisex print and I may have just got 2 meters of cotton printed for a little jacket \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb for me \ud83d\udc78\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc1d because my birthday is coming up and I want my own quilted jacket \ud83d\udcb8\ud83d\udcb8\ud83d\udcb8\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub #lovebee #newprint #autumnprint #beeprint","\ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf42 S U N D A Y \ud83c\udf42\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf3f\ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nDate is set for our launch and it\u2019s Sunday launch to allow us the weekend to enjoy the last few prints and share our style with bee items \ud83d\udc9b\n\nToday is my favourite print of the collection because it\u2019s got a bee \ud83d\udc1d and I love a print with a bee I don\u2019t go crazy with then like I could I just ensure if I do a bee it\u2019s the best little bee print.\n\nIt\u2019s everything Lovebee with a little snail, mushroom, bee, foliage and of course central repeat for those incredible pattern placement \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\n\nBoth marble and Teddy have worn this print and I already know so many customers who will go wild for it so today is\nPrint no 5 of autumn 2024 at Lovebee\n\n#lovebee #lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub","\ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb Y O U + B E E \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\n\nThe perfect little match our cabin and plaid print a lovely way to change up the accessories is to go for one of our simpler prints they will mix and match with so many prints \ud83d\udc9b\n\nThis weekend is our launch we are going to set it as Sunday evening because that\u2019s always a little calmer time and allows the website to get everything online and all links perfect \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #shopsmall #shopindependent","\ud83d\udeb2\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf3f\ud83d\udeb2\ud83c\udf42\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf3f\ud83d\udeb2\n\nSorry we are very Teddy heavy this week last night he wanted a little bike ride out the front I had dressed him for a quick shoot and thought actually this is what I want to be doing in Lovebee riding bikes and playing so actually what a better way to show off this print \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nTeddy little bike is the @trybike he is ready for the single two wheels now and convert it into a balance bike but in true Teddy style when I do he gets his tools and coverts it back \ud83d\ude02 I think he enjoys the converting it as much as he does riding it.\n\n\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9b\n\nCabin available this weekend at Lovebeebaby.com\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent","\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf42\ud83d\udd25\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf42\ud83d\udd25\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf42\n\nOur beautiful 4th print is the beautiful cabin this ones is sneaking into the lineup as it goes so well with the brand new rustic plaid I wanted it close to the start we have some beautiful hybrids this collection \ud83c\udf3f this would also look so good If you haves any lumberjack accessories from last year \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\n\nWe have for beautiful designs that would go with this on our hoodies the lovely here for s\u2018mores and our lovebee camp club \u26fa\ufe0f\n\nAvailable this weekend at Lovebeebaby.com #lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent","\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf3fC A B I N C A M P F I R E\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\n\nStarting with little lifestyle because I feel these are really showing the print this week \ud83e\udde1 my little golden boy in his brand new leggings styled with gorgeous burnt orange and this beautiful dry green that I am absolutely loving coming into this season.\n\nI wanted a woodland style print something for winter walks and cosy layers. It\u2019s giving centeparcs lodge season which is always winter for me \ud83e\udeb5\n\nI hope you love it this is print no 4 out of 6 and the last two are pretty incredible so I hope I have at least one print you love \ud83e\udde1\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #lodge","\ud83e\udde1\ud83c\udf42 L O V E B E E C L U B \ud83c\udf42\ud83e\udde1\n\nIsn\u2019t it strange we camp over summer but something about winter makes me think of camping and camp fires with marshmallows \ud83e\udeb5\n\nA new club designs coming to our t shirts and hoodies for our next print \ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf32 but more my style with a wooden lodge and campfire \ud83d\udd25 \n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebeeclub","\ud83e\udeb5 A U T U M N \ud83e\udeb5\n\nAutumn shoots helped by the evening cloudy weather. Teddy did insist on the sunglasses \ud83d\udd76\ufe0f and we just rolled with it he looks so good in his Lovebee \ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc1d\n\nWe still stock babiators at Lovebee not really a autumn item but we keep them all year for you anyway this is the keyhole style in the jet black but we offer a few colours and love them as a brand.\n\nOutfit tagged on my stories the leggings are a 5-6 years slim style in the love story and his snood is a child Teddy snood lining \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #autumn #autumnshoot #autumncollection","\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf32\n\nYey you absolutely love it thank you soso much I am always nervous about darker background especially with a texture and this has printed so perfectly \ud83d\udc9b\n\nAvailable this weekend at Lovebeebaby.com \ud83c\udf32\n\n#lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent","\ud83c\udf3f L O V E S T O R Y \ud83c\udf3f\n\nThe details \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb this one has gone down well as always its last minute shoots in the evenings and Teddy is looking them as long as he has his stool because those slugs \ud83d\udc0c are in the grass.\n\nLifestyle sells a print for me they come to life my club absolutely do this for me and I am sorry I\u2019ve not got a mix of my children and customers I will be catching up with that but it\u2019s been a little crazy behind the scenes making a sample over your paid orders doesn\u2019t seem fair but next week I have both my seamstresses back in \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb and I can\u2019t wait.\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #newprint","\ud83c\udf32\ud83e\udd8c\ud83c\udf3e\ud83c\udf42\ud83e\udeb5\ud83c\udf3f\n\nPrint no 3 is our beautiful love story \ud83c\udf32 a print to warm us up for Christmas time and the colour is amazing I styled on Teddy last night.\n\nWe said to Teddy its like rabbits and antlers and Teddy said no it\u2019s not it\u2019s the top of carrots \ud83e\udd55 now I can\u2019t un see it \ud83d\ude02\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #shophandmade #newprint #autumncollection #autumnprint","\ud83d\udd25\ud83c\udfd5\ufe0f\ud83c\udf6bS \u2018 M O R E S\ud83c\udf6b\ud83c\udfd5\ufe0f \ud83d\udd25\n\nSomething George is obsessed with at the moment so I had to have a little design made up for him for bonfire night \ud83d\udd25\n\nPrint no 3 coming today it\u2019s my touch on Christmas print I like to bring out every autumn for those who like to get ahead of those who like to wear all autumn\/winter \ud83c\udf42\n\n#lovebeebaby #lovebee #lovebeeclub #shopsmall #shopindependent #smores"],"commentcount":[""],"datelist":["September-07-2024","September-07-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-06-2024","September-05-2024","September-05-2024","September-05-2024","September-05-2024","September-05-2024","September-04-2024","September-04-2024","September-04-2024","September-04-2024","September-04-2024"],"heading":"Follow Us on Instagram","overlay_color":"0,0,0","font_color":"#FFFFFF","display_theme":"grid","no_of_rows":"1","no_of_img":6,"gutter":"2px","width":16.666666666666667850904559600166976451873779296875,"margin":0,"marginslider":36,"sliderwidth":1104,"profile_pic":"","slider_loop":"true","mobile":"2","username":"lovebeebaby_","shop_name":"lovebeebaby.myshopify.com","font_size":"18px","heading_color":"#000000","font_awesome":"new","provider":"instagram","no_popup":"no","link_target":"_blank","img_hover":"insta_icon","show_lc":"","insta_link":"https:\/\/instagram.com\/lovebeebaby_","overlay_opacity":"0.5","t_speed":"2000","s_speed":"3000","l_load":"","social_icon":"yes","show_title":"yes"})